Back to School Plumbing Tips:
It’s that time of year where we’re running around like crazy people buying school supplies, finalizing schedule, getting everyone back into a routine, and relying heavily on our plumbing system. However, plumbing can sometimes be the last thing on our minds, but before you know it your bathroom will look like a herd of elephants ran through. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as the season gets hectic. Below you will find 5 back to school plumbing tips.
Stagger Shower Times.
Does everyone like to shower in the morning? Does everyone like being the last one in and having to take a cold shower? We didn’t think so… To avoid this, it all starts with the plumbing! It might be best for the efficiency of your hot water heater and even electric bill (as well as avoiding that dreaded cold shower) to stagger shower times. Ideally, we are told to take five-minute showers or less using cool to medium water temperatures. This would be the ideal scenario but as we know ideal isn’t always reality. If you have a large family (with teenagers!!!), then try to diagnose where everyone needs a shower most in the day. Try having half of the family shower in the morning and the rest before bed. Take a group vote! Click here for a few fun questions to ask family members during your debate.
Turn the Fan on!
It’s hard enough to get our kids in the shower, so forget it when we tell them to turn on the fan! If you hear the shower running you should hear the fan as well. The fan is a crucial element with bathrooms and plumbing. It’s important to reduce moisture and eliminate odors. The fan will help the air circulate in the bathroom and eliminate some time that it takes for the mirror to defog- unless you are one of those 5 minute shower-ers who uses cool to medium water temperatures.
Install New Eco-Friendly Fixtures.
The fall is a great time to get everything clean before all chaos breaks lose, even your plumbing. It’s also a great time to update any fixtures that need to be replaced. As mentioned in one of our previous articles, there are many great products out there for shower heads, toilets and sinks to keep water running efficiently and clean. As well as keep the in-laws happy when they show up for thanksgiving dinner.
Running Toilet.
Has your toilet been running for the entire summer? Now is the time to fix it! Never ignore finicky plumbing. A running toilet can skyrocket your water bill and cause your toilet to deteriorate rather fast. If you don’t know how to fix a running toilet then call a licensed professional at Carter’s My Plumber.
If you have a big family, a great way to keep everyone in and out of the bathroom in a timely fashion is to keep a working plumbing schedule, much like when assigning who gets to take a shower when. As parents we have tons of schedules already, but the bathroom schedule can keep everyone to an efficient timeline of how much bathroom time they are allotted. This will not only keep the energy and water bills down but keep your sanity as well. A great place to post this schedule would be on the ridge, or in a common area. That way everyone can keep each other accountable.
With these 5 times you will ensure a healthy start to the school year! Remember, plumbing is a vital part or your daily routine and not something to brush under the rug!
Happy Back to School!