Plumbers are in high demand
Thanksgiving is the Perfect time to be Thankful for Your Plumber!
It’s that time of year when we all take time to reflect and be thankful. Β At Carter’s My Plumber in Greenwood, Indiana, we are thankful for Plumbers! Β PlumbersΒ take care of the most basic necessity to humans on earth; plumbing!! Β Without Plumbers, proper sanitation and water safetyΒ would not exist. Β When you use the bathroom it’s because a Plumber installed the faucets, showers, tubs, toilets, not to mention, the water and drainage system. Β Water from your faucet isΒ safe to drink, because a Licensed PlumberΒ who hasΒ the knowledge and skill, installed it correctly.
Why Choose Plumbing for a Career?
Plumbing is a fulfilling career that combines knowledge and innovation with the ability to create and build with your hands. The Plumbing tradeΒ offers tremendous benefits and career potential.
Plumbing Offers Job Security
Plumbing is one of the fastest-growing jobs in America. Everyone needs to flush their toilet. Β The plumbing field is expected to grow 21% from 2012-2022. ThereΒ will beΒ more than 450,000Β jobs by 2022 available for Plumbers. Β As plumbing services will always be in demand, this career fieldΒ offers a secure job. Β Plumbers are not at risk of losing their jobs to machines, and plumbing jobs cannot be outsourced for cheaper labor overseas.
Benefits of being a Plumber
Plumbers are in good physical shapeΒ –Β working your body and your mind all the time. Analyzing problems, developing solutions, and handling day-to-day business transactions keeps your mind sharp, and the physical requirements of the job keeps your body active and healthy. Β There are plenty of jokes about Plumbers, but thankfully, more and more people are realizing what plumbers do, and respect for the trade is growing. Β After all, not everyone can be a plumber β people try to fix household plumbingΒ problems themselves, make it worse, and then realize that they need to call the professional!
Be Thankful for your Plumber!
Plumbers work very hard on a daily basis and while many people may take for granted the ability to flush a toilet, turn on a faucet to wash the car, or run the washing machine. Β It’s all because a Licensed Plumber installed the water and drain lines to safely provide you the comfort you enjoy. Β At Carter’s My Plumber we are very thankful for Plumbers all over the world. Β Plumbers are quite remarkable in the skills they provide to make modern plumbing so comfortable and convenient. Β Thank you to all Plumbers!